Building up the Body of Christ with welcoming arms, loving hearts and joyful worship.
Initial training for new lectors will take place on October 19th from 7:00-9:00 PM in the church. This training is for any adult or teen who wishes to be part of the Lector Ministry. Deacon Allen and Jim Elder facilitate the session. They bring to the evening a desire for drawing others to the lector ministry, an engaging, experiential training, and a love for God’s word.
This session will explore what it means to be a lector and how it enriches our relationship with scripture. It will cover methods of preparing for reading scripture and skill-building, such as volume, eye contact, pausing, and phrasing. All of us have a gift. If you love the scripture and are able to read well publicly, please consider attending this training. This ministry offers a way to share your gifts and provides necessary training to grow as a lector. A workbook for preparation will be provided.