During the last few weeks, many parish families received a letter from Cardinal Cupich requesting your participation in pledging to the 2019 Annual Catholic Appeal. There is also an envelope in the monthly packet for one-time gifts and pledge envelopes are available in the church.
This year, the theme of the Appeal is “COME, FOLLOW ME…AND SHARE THE WORD.” We have all received God’s love. By financially supporting the ministries and services funded by the Annual Catholic Appeal, we help to extend God’s love to many, many others.
As such, this annual appeal supports the day-to-day operations of the Archdiocese and her outreach to the community. Please note that no monies donated to the Annual Catholic Appeal have been or will be used to defray expenses related to any misconduct issues.
As you know, St. Hubert is currently involved in our 2020 Vision Campaign. Please note a component of 2020 Vision supports Catholic education within the Archdiocese of Chicago through our contributions to To Teach Who Christ Is. This is separate from the Annual Appeal.
Every year the Archdiocese sets a goal for each parish for the Annual Catholic Appeal. If we reach the goal, any funds contributed above it will be returned to us for use at St. Hubert.
Thank you very much for your generosity and the many ways you give.