Have you been thinking about becoming a Minister of Care?
Purpose of Ministry During a time of failing health, when the need to connect with the faith is at its greatest, people may be too ill to come to church to receive communion. Ministers of Care are parishioners who bring the Eucharist to patients in the hospital, nursing homes, and homebound parishioners. Ministers of Care help individuals nurture their spiritual lives when their physical well-being is compromised and they need to maintain a connection with their Catholic community.
Who can be a Minister of Care? Ministers of Care are compassionate men and women who are the link between the person unable to participate in the weekly liturgy and the worshipping body of the Church. Ministers of Care are also Eucharistic Ministers and are registered members of the parish who are in full communion with the Church. They regularly participate in parish worship life, especially Mass and the Sacraments. Ministers of Care have a deep devotion to the Holy Eucharist and are open to sharing prayer and faith with the sick, and willing to undertake prerequisite initial training for the ministry. They also are committed to attending Ministry of Care Enrichment Days.
Benefits This ministry is a unique opportunity to serve others and to witness the faith to those in need or crisis. Ministers of Care act as an extension of the Eucharistic table, enriching their own experience of the sacrament through witnessing the power of the Eucharist with people in great need of spiritual nourishment.
How does one become a Minister of Care? 1. Contact the Coordinator of Ministry of Care for an interview.
2. Attend the basic training sessions.
3. Be commissioned for this ministry by the diocese and the parish.
4. Choose a particular type of care ministry.
5. Finally, you will apprentice with an experienced minister by visiting a homebound person.
Basic 2 Week Training for Ministers of Care Will be held at Holy Family Parish—2515 W. Palatine Rd. Inverness, IL 60067
on two Saturdays, September 9
th and September 16
th from 8:30 AM—2:30 PM
There is no cost to attend these sessions.
If you are interested or want to explore whether this ministry is for you, please contact Marie Staffa at
847- 885-7700, ext. 124 or
mstaffa@sainthubert.org. We want to get everyone interested in this ministry interviewed and registered for this fall program by September 1