The Job Ministry continues to assist from 25 to 40 people per meeting as they struggle with finding full-time work in a part-time, temporary, contract work society. This has recently created a need for two additional team members to join us, to help us direct and re-position our Public Relations and social media – media visibility presence.
We are seeking:
● A Marketing professional – ecommerce knowledge
● An Information Technology professional – Social media knowledge
We are seeking the above expertise to work together to help us develop a workable and coordinated visibility and P.R. strategy, as well as to help with the complexities of our social media presence and updates. If you have the above capabilities and are interested in assisting us, please contact our job ministry coordinator, Bob Podgorski at: Bob and our current media coordinator, Don Sutenbach, will work with you to help position the Job Ministry to its prominence as a best-in-class Job Networking Group. This, to continue to bring our message of Faith into the job search, to over 60—80 people per month who visit with us for career help, guidance, and sincere caring.