No one deserves to be in an abusive relationship!!!
Domestic/dating violence is a pattern of controlling behaviors that one partner uses to get power over the other. This includes physical violence or threat of physical violence, emotional or mental abuse and sexual abuse.
Emotional abuse is far too prevalent in our communities, and can inflict deep scars on those caught in an up-and-down cycle of belittling and aggressive behavior.
Domestic violence is still the leading cause of injury to women aged 15 to 44.
Thousands of women and children find refuge in domestic violence emergency shelters and transition housing each day.
The costs of domestic violence amount to more than $37 billion a year in law enforcement involvement, legal work, medical and mental health treatment, and lost productivity at companies.
We, the general public, have a moral obligation to recognize and help stamp out domestic violence. We must speak up when we see signs of physical or emotional abuse. We need to encourage and empower the ones affected to report offenses.
Anyone affected by domestic violence should seek help. Start by calling the Domestic Violence Helpline at