Our parish, like all parishes of the Archdiocese of Chicago, is participating in a process of renewal called Renew My Church. Pope Francis calls for the Church to look outward and to reach beyond herself, as she seeks to bring Christ to the world. Every day, we see signs of pain and immense suffering even in places where we used to find comfort. We are called to be witnesses to the new life and new possibilities that God offers us in the death and resurrection of His Son. We must always turn back to Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It is through our personal encounters with Jesus in His community of disciples and His Church, where we will find healing, forgiveness, and possibilities for the new life that God offers us.
Every generation experiences challenges in faith. Today, secularism seems to have pushed God out of the picture. Our culture promotes individualism and faith in ourselves rather than belief in God. This individualism leads to breakdowns in family life, respect for life, and a whole host of social ills. We need healing and redemption in Jesus Christ now more than ever.
Today, many people do not know Jesus Christ and often reject Him and His Church without knowing who He really is. Even many believers in the Church have a weak sense of who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him as a disciple.
Mass attendance in our archdiocese has decreased by 27% over the past 20 years
36% of millennials claim no religious affiliation
One in 5 children baptized Catholic do not receive 1st Communion
85% of eighth graders stop practicing their faith by age 21
We cannot assume that faith will automatically be handed on to a new generation. We must proclaim the Gospel in new ways; to renew the Church.
What a wonderful gift we have as Jesus invites us to renewal. The Lord of the universe speaks these words to us just as he spoke them to the saints before us. It seems like a tall order to renew the Church. Isn’t that someone else’s job? Our own little parish, maybe. But, the whole Church? Yes. And we will, because renewal always, always, always begins within our own hearts.