For many of us, sometime in our lifetime, a significant event occurred that remains in our memory as life-changing not only as individuals but as a generation or in our country’s history. Landing on the moon, the assassination of President John Fr. Kennedy, and for a more recent age group, millennials, the attack on the Twin Towers, which we all remember as 9/11.
This year marks the fifteenth anniversary of this event, not only the destruction, but our vulnerability as a nation. We frequently pray for an end to acts of terror from radicals on our own soil and throughout the world. We earnestly try to understand, protect, and appreciate those unlike ourselves, who enrich our nation. We all live and pray differently since that unspeakable disaster.
On Sunday, September 11
th, we will remember the victims of 9/11 through a prayer of litany at each Mass and visually in the niche located in the narthex. We invite you to visit this area, pausing for prayer for all those who lost loved ones and for a world that can never retrieve a way of life belonging to a time prior to 9/11. Pray for those caught up and held by beliefs and behavior that prevents harmony in our world.