Religious Education News
Sincere thanks to all those families who have registered for Religious Education in the Fall. If you have not registered yet, please do so soon.
Our thanks also to the more than 75 teachers and aides who have volunteered for the coming year. We still have a few specific needs, if you can help please call the Religious Education Office at
847-885-7703 or email
Catechists Needed To Sow the Word!!!
If you are a person who is…
Available on
Wednesdays 4:00—5:45 PM or
Saturdays 9:00—10:45 AM or
Sundays 7:20—9:00 PM
Enjoys working with Children and sharing your faith…
Able to commit one school year to the children of our parish as a Catechist or Classroom Aide for the 2017-2018 school year.