The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process in which an adult individual becomes Catholic and receives the sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist. This journey takes place through catechesis, experience of the parish community and commitment to the life of the Catholic faithful. Our RCIA community is in desperate need of several individuals to serve as volunteers in our ministry. If you are feeling the call to share your time, we invite you to consider becoming a volunteer.
See if one or more of these statements fits you:
I enjoy talking about my Faith and the Catholic Church, but not in large groups.
I enjoy having people over for dinner or meeting for coffee to discuss my Faith.
I have experience teaching about my Faith and the Catholic Church.
I don’t have much experience, but I would love to learn more about my Faith and the Catholic Church.
I don’t have a lot of knowledge about the doctrine, but I would like to share my faith journey and experiences with others.
I would consider being a sponsor — someone to help the Catechumens and answer their questions throughout their journey.
I enjoy organizing events that are both community oriented, yet spiritually based.
I would like to be someone who prays for the people in the RCIA.
I would like to help with the details of the program to create a welcoming environment for inquirers, e.g. refreshments, clean-up, preparing prayer, setting, etc.
If you are interested, please contact Marie Staffa at or
847-885-7700, ext. 124. Many thanks for your prayerful consideration to serve our RCIA community