We are now taking applications for the Peer Ministry Team for the 2017-2018 school year.
The St. Hubert Peer Ministry Team is made up of high school teens who are sharing their faith with their peers as either:
catechist aides for the Confirmation program or younger grades
mentors/leaders at TAG and other Youth Ministry events
We would love to have you (or your son/daughter) as a part of the team. If you are a catechist/Confirmation aide you should still be a part of the team. Your service to your peers will be in the classes. We will have team meetings occasionally. These are to help the teams friendships and bonding remain strong. We are going to work this year on making the gatherings easier to attend for all.
To join the team you need to do 3 things:
Fill out the application. You can type up the questions in a Word document and return to me as a document or pdf. (Return to this email: youthministry@sainthubert.org.)
Please consider becoming a part of the team. You will get a chance to be with a great group of people, grow your faith and your leadership skills, and have a lot of fun.
Stephanie & Deacon Allen,
St. Hubert Youth Ministry Coordinators