This Sunday, we conclude Jesus’ great Sermon on the Plain, which gives us much to think about as we head into the Lenten season. Ash Wednesday is just three days away!
Jesus shares three parables with us. One is about the blind leading the blind. One cautions us about noticing faults in others without acknowledging our own. And the last reminds us that the words that come out of our mouths often reflect what’s happening in the heart.
It leads us to a realization how important it is in our world today to anchor our lives to Christ—to pray every day, to be connected to his words and teaching, and to become aware of how we can help those around us. In other words, how important it is to follow the One who leads us.
It’s a perfect segue into Lent, which is meant to be a reflective time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving. It’s a time to look within our hearts and minds so that we can work on the things that will help us be the best person we can be—even if we’re going through difficult times, or find ourselves in the midst of struggles, pain, joys or doubts.
What a life in Christ helps us to see, is that God is with us in all of our life’s experiences. His blessing is realized within.
We are who we are. And we’re not alone. We have a guide in life, an advocate, a friend who also happens to be the savior of the world. (See the gospels for the ways he reveals all these things.)
I invite you to experience this prayerful season with our family of faith. In this bulletin, you’ll find many different ways to engage in the season—through our communal prayer, reconciliation, our Lenten mission (which will be here this year and presented by our own Deacon Allen), and our annual almsgiving project, Operation Rice Bowl. Together, we journey toward Christ, who we discover is at the center of who we are.
May God bless us on the journey we’re about to enter. May Christ be our light that helps us see.