In the gospel today, Jesus urges the disciples to “let the children come to me.” These words take on great meaning as we enter into October, the month when the Church has us focus in an intentional way on our fundamental belief that all human life is sacred—from conception to natural death.
This is something that is always on our mind. God urges us to discover that we aren’t just individuals isolated from one another, but are people in relationship with one another, and with God. God embraces every human life, and through Jesus Christ, he redeems it. He wants us to live in the relationship, not just now, but forever.
There’s a beautiful verse in Psalm 139. The psalmist is lamenting the realization that we cannot escape God’s presence—God is with us. It’s almost too much for the author to bear. But then, the author caves into the awesomeness of the reality, and ponders it with a sense of wonder:
You formed my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother’s womb.
I praise you, because I am wonderfully made;
wonderful are your works!
My very self you know.
--Psalm 139:13-14
How wonderful it is!
2020 Vision: Pledge Weekend is October 13/14
We are very grateful to the families who have made a pledge to our 2020 Vision campaign. With less than 400 families participating, just a fraction of our total parish, we are already very close to our goal of $2.4 million. We have about $600,000 to go. The Lord is blessing us!
For those of you who haven’t had an opportunity to make a pledge yet, or who have been prayerfully considering it, next weekend at all the Masses will be a chance to make a commitment. We’re calling it “Pledge Commitment Weekend.”
In the meantime, please continue to pray for the people in our parish. Our 2020 Vision is about continuing all the things the women and men of St. Hubert have done for almost 6o years. Our trust is in God, who empowers us to do His work in the world, not alone, but together. When we do things together for the good of all, God’s glory is seen and experienced.
May God be with you in all you do, and thank you for all the ways you give,