In today’s gospel, Jesus learns that the apostles had a “discussion” about who was the greatest apostle among them. The desire to compete is a very human need. But Jesus says if we’re going to compete, compete together to help others. God doesn’t have favorites; we all share in his life. So it’s good to help one another reach our potential—to live with God as our center, which compels us to live well together and to want what’s best for each of us and all of us. Here are a couple of different ways we’re trying to do that as a community of faith:
Our 2020 Vision Includes Our Spiritual Well Being, Too
Our 2020 Vision includes more than capital improvements to our campus. We’re also looking at the spiritual and ministerial life of our community. One of the great blessings of the St. Hubert Community is our diversity of gifts and talents. We have a host of ministries that empower parishioners to do the work of the gospel in the way they feel God is calling them to serve.
To ensure we’re meeting the needs of the community as we go forward, we’re working with our ministry leaders to see what they need, if anything, to help empower them to continue the good work they’re doing. As St. Paul says, we’re many parts but all one body. We want to do everything we can to allow the body to move and function well.
Our Annual Ministry Leaders Night—which is not just for ministry heads, but anyone involved in ministry—takes place on September 27 beginning at 6:30 PM in the lower level of the church. This year, we have a special guest speaker who will provide some meaningful insights on how to work through conflict, which as we know is a normal part of everyday life.
Thank you to the hundreds of people who serve others day after day, week after week. You are the Body of Christ in our world helping us reach our potential.
The Seminarians Are Back!
After a summer break, our seminarians—Deacon Tom Heathershaw, Ryan Brady and David Jameson—return to St. Hubert on the weekends to experience more of parish life and to bring their gifts and talents to their assigned ministries.
Last May, Tom was ordained a Deacon for the Diocese of Dubuque, Iowa, and so you’ll see him assisting at Masses and involved with service opportunities as he prepares for priesthood ordination.
Ryan, who is studying for the Archdiocese of Chicago, will focus on youth ministry and will also be with us full-time from February-May for his pastoral internship. David, who is a seminarian for the Diocese of Grand Rapids, will be working on opportunities to do adult formation and catechesis.
This weekend is Seminary Sunday here in the Archdiocese, so you’ll have an opportunity to hear their vocation story and their desire to give their lives to service in the Church. They’re not competing to be the greatest, but to be of service to all. In these difficult times, their vocation is a true witness of hope and faith that we need to see. We’re blessed to have them here with us, and they tell me all the time how blessed they feel to be a part of our community. We need each other to affirm and strengthen our life in Christ.
May God bless you as we grow together as disciples of Jesus Christ, the one we follow.