On Monday, September 10, St. Hubert will be home to an international, travelling statue of Our Lady of Fatima. It’s part of the annual world tour of peace. It is currently moving through the Chicagoland area, and we have been invited to welcome Our Lady into our parish home.
The time for this seems very right, especially with all that we face in our Church, in our country, in parish and in our lives. Maybe what we need right now, more than anything, is prayer. The most comfortable place we ever find ourselves in, is in Christ, the One who centers us, gives us truth, and keeps us together. And who better to help lead our prayer into the sacred heart of Jesus than Mary—the one who gave birth to Christ and offers to pray for us when we call out to her: Pray for us…now and at the hour of our death.
Beginning this weekend, we will have a table set up in the narthex where you may write down your prayers that you’d like to bring to Christ. We will set them—along with our Book of Prayer Intentions—at the foot of the statue of Our Lady. We will also be praying for all those affected by the tragedy of sexual abuse in our Church; for justice and peace. At 7 pm we’ll have a Mass, which we will offer for all of you, your needs, and the future of our parish together.
Please join us, even if you only have 5 or 10 minutes. (See page 6 for more information about the schedule.) If you can’t make it that day, please consider saying a prayer for our parish community wherever you find yourself.
In the gospel today, Jesus tells us how important integrity is. What is in our heart, is what we bring into our family life and the way we live with one another in our world. There is a pure simplicity in prayer, especially when we bring God the sincere desire to want the best for each other. It’s no wonder that the apostle James writes in the second reading, “Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and is able to save your souls. Be doers of the word and not hearers only.” Integrity is what God sees and hopes for us as Christians growing in the spiritual life.
Let us continue to pray with each other and for one another. On September 10, we’ll have an entire day to experience it. Have a blessed week,
--Fr. Mike
Sharing Parish Picnic A photo album of the Sharing Parish Picnic has been added to the website.
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