One of the greatest miracles Jesus performed, which is recorded in all four gospels, is the multiplication of the five loaves and the two fish that fed over 5,000 people. (In Mark’s gospel, they only counted the men, so scholars have always maintained there were many more affected by Jesus’ goodness that day).
It’s a great miracle, although it’s hard for the human mind to grasp how it happened. But it did—and that’s why it’s one of the important events of Jesus’ earthly ministry that every single gospel writer included. It leads to one of the fundamental truths revealed about Jesus Christ: through Jesus, God cares for his people. Jesus feeds us. He nourishes the soul. Last week we sang, “The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.” Like the psalmist, we feel blessed because He sets the table before us.
The Church has seen the multiplication miracle as a foreshadowing of the Eucharist. Jesus Christ continues to feed all those who come to him every single Sunday and at every single Mass in between. His message is simple: He is there for us no matter what we’re going through. He gives us the kind of peace and rest that comes through faith and taking him into our hearts and lives.
We begin to realize that what Jesus multiplies isn’t just the food we need for physical strength, but more importantly His goodness and the care he has for us. That’s something we all need to feel.
Good Things Happening at St. Hubert
St. Hubert Catholic School is still accepting new students for the upcoming academic year. We are a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence and, through a faith-centered program, are focused on helping families form their children into being the best person they can be. We would very much like to introduce families to the school, give you a tour, and share the good things that are happening—including the implementation of the first phase of our 1:1 device program. The infrastructure to support the program is now complete and we’re getting ready to roll out the program in three classrooms this fall. We also expanded our Spanish program to all grades and have a new math and science curriculum.
The Sharing Parish Picnic is on August 11! St. Hubert is known for the ways we help others not as fortunate as ourselves. For many, many years now we’ve helped share our time, talent and treasure with the good people at St. Aloysius Parish in Chicago. Once a year, we invite the community at St. Al’s to join us for a picnic; which allows for good conversation, good food, and a chance to meet one another. This year, in addition to the games, prizes, and general picnic activities—which is great for families—we’re also going to have live music! Please join us. It will be good to be together.
As we head into a new week, may God continue to bless you in the good things you’re doing for others. May your goodness multiply!