Jesus’ questions always give us something to think about. Today, when Andrew and John approach Jesus after John the Baptist points him out, the first thing he says is, “What are you looking for?”
Andrew and John do the wise thing: they don’t answer the question, instead they ask him, “Where are you staying?” It’s a way of saying they want to learn more about who he is. In the ancient world and in that culture, to learn from a rabbi was to stay with him, live with him, watch him, and learn from him. In other words, it was to become his disciples.
For those of us on the spiritual journey, Jesus’ question to Andrew and John is also meant for us: “What are you looking for?” Maybe we know for sure. Or maybe all we can say in response is “good question!”
But it does beg a serious response, because in the end we’re all looking for something— whether it be simply to get from one day to the next, for greater fulfillment in what we do, for more patience, for loving relationships, or even for long-term happiness. There always is something.
And just like the disciples in Jesus’ day, we hopefully come to realize that to answer the question requires spending time with Jesus in prayer, thoughtful reflection, and in conversation—either with the word itself (reading scripture) or with someone we trust.
Because what we’re looking for is really wrapped up in who we’re looking for. When we realize those two work together, we’ll discover what it is we need to know and how to get from where we are to where God is leading us to be.
Our Mission We’re also meant to answer Jesus’ question as a parish, too. And to help us, we have our mission statement that has been guiding us for quite some time now:
We, the Roman Catholic Community of St. Hubert, called and formed by the Word of God, reach out to all in our parish and the larger community...
through our Being God’s People by our outreach, welcome, love and compassion;
through our Becoming God’s People by our liturgical celebration, spiritual formation and social interaction;
through our Building Up God’s People by our evangelization of all from birth to New Life—at all stages of their Faith Journey.
Being a part of the St. Hubert family gives us the opportunity to discover what and who it is we’re looking for. As a parish, we’re meant to grow as disciples of Christ. Our mission as a parish is to help us with what we need to stay with Him.