The face of homelessness has changed. Financial instability now affects a wider segment of our population, extending into the middle class and even beyond. It encompasses the young and the old, the unemployed and the underemployed.
A PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) center is located at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Schaumburg and they have been providing shelter on Friday nights for 25 years. They currently are able to accommodate up to 40 guests each Friday. Unfortunately, the mattresses (pads) currently being used are also 25 years old. Their goal, with our help, is to replace as many as they can this fall before their new season begins on October 7. Their cost is $75 per mattress.
If you can help reach this goal, please place your check in the “donation box” located in the Narthex by the Ministry station. Please make these checks payable to “Prince of Peace” and write “new pads” on the memo line. We will be taking donations through Sunday, October 2.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, or any other questions concerning volunteering at this location, please call Marcia Long,