Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month is held each May to raise community awareness of the social and personal impacts of domestic and family violence and the support available to those affected. Some of the key aims of the month are to:
► Ensure those who are experiencing domestic and family violence know how to access help and support.
► Encourage people who use abuse and/or violence to take responsibility for their abusive behavior and seek support to change.
How you can help???? It takes a lot of time, planning, help, and courage to escape domestic violence. It is important for the abused to know that help is available from people who know and care about the situation.
Listen without judging - Tell your friend or family member that you care and are willing to listen. Believe the story. Never blame the abused for what's happening or underestimate the fear of danger. Let the abused know that no one deserves to be abused, beaten, or threatened.
Allow the abused to make their own decisions - As you listen try to understand the many obstacles that prevent them from leaving a bad situation. It's usually very complex. Focus on your support.
Guide the abused to a specialized domestic violence support service - Many people who have found freedom describe someone they knew (a neighbor, doctor, friend) offering support and referring them to a support service. Let the abused know she or he is not alone and that people are available to help. Many people first seek the advice of marriage counselors, psychiatrists, Church, and others. Unfortunately, not all helping professionals are fully aware of the complexities of domestic violence and the safety and privacy issues involved. The best places to contact are: Illinois Domestic Violence Helpline at 877-863-6338 or locally at WINGS 847-221-5680.
Brought to you by the St. Hubert Domestic Violence Ministry.