The Knights of Columbus presented the St. Hubert GIFT Program a check to help keep this worthy gifted program running. This check was from the undaunted efforts of the Schaumburg/Hoffman Knights of Columbus during the "Tootsie Roll" drive. This is just one of the ways we support our Parish. The students in the St. Hubert GIFT 3 group along with their teachers, Kathy Kramer, Cindy Schmidt, Faith Engelman, and Fred Kramer, accept the donation from the Tootsie Roll Drive. This group meets every other Monday evening in St. Hubert School. The funds received from the Knights benefit this group, as well as the two other St. Hubert GIFT Program groups: GIFT 1, along with their teacher Anne Rottman, meet in St. Hubert School every other Sunday afternoon; and Pam Ullrich, the teacher for our GIFT 5 group travels to Clearbrook every other Monday evening to teach our program to several Clearbrook residents. For the 2023-2024 session there are 35 students between all three groups. The Knights' support allows them to buy all curriculum, crafts, workbooks, and have two parties each year.