Scripture Study? Liturgy? Creative Prayer?
The Holy Spirit – who or what is it?
Do you have a nagging need to know the answers to spiritual questions? Or a desire to learn more about the saints? Or church history? Or building a stronger relationship with Jesus in today’s society? Or what?
Saint Hubert Café Ministry members want to know what’s on your mind. Speak up! Don’t be shy.
Bring your ideas, suggestions, and even your questions to a meeting on Wednesday, May 22 at 6:30 PM when planning begins for next year’s Café agenda. We will meet in the Bernardin Room at the Parish Ministry Center. All are welcome.
Café’s mission is “Adult Formation’’ – providing occasions for adults and high school students to consciously grow in the life of Christ. Faith formation is inviting, enriching, and adds meaning to life. Periodic programs, guest speakers, informative presentations, and hosting parish events represent some of Café’s activities.
Please come and learn more about Café’s commitment to conscious growth in our Christian community.