Prayer Shawl Ministry News!!
You can make a difference!!
How would you like to make a difference in someone’s life?
The St. Hubert Prayer Shawl Ministry would like to invite you to join our ministry! We knit and crochet beautiful shawls to be distributed within our community. These shawls bring comfort and joy to those who are suffering in some way or are celebrating a milestone in their lives. The creators of these shawls are rewarded with the knowledge that we have used our time to make these shawls in a prayerful way. We will gladly teach you to knit or crochet when we meet to share fellowship and ideas. Instructions and yarn are distributed at our meetings, and you work on the shawls on your own time. It's a great way to fill the long Winter weeks ahead of us!
Our next meeting is Sunday, January 7, 1:15 PM in the Dorothy Day Room of the Parish Ministry Center. Please join us!