Matching Gift Program A group of generous donors have agreed to pool their resources and offer a 2-for-1 matching gift program to schools run by the Archdiocese of Chicago. For every dollar designated to a qualifying school through Empower Illinois between December 1, 2018 and February 28, 2019, the school will receive two dollars in matching funds! The donations are capped at $100,000 per school.
Donors who would like to receive the tax credit for their 2018 taxes should begin the process prior to December 14, 2018 to ensure that they have enough time to make their gift by December 31, 2018.
General Program There is still time to apply for a 2018 Illinois tax credit and donate to a Scholarship Granting Organization. Visit to learn more, or contact or
You can receive a 75 percent Illinois state income tax credit for donating to needs-based scholarships through the Illinois tax credit scholarship program. Visit to learn more, or contact or
Support current and future students of St. Hubert while receiving a 75 percent state tax credit through the Illinois tax credit scholarship program. Please remember to designate St. Hubert School when making your donation. Visit to learn more, or contact or
You can provide a Catholic school education to a current or future child of St. Hubert while also receiving a state tax credit yourself. The Invest in Kids Act is different from regular charitable giving to St. Hubert School or another organization. Visit to learn why and how to access a step-by-step guide to the program.