One of the disciplines of Lent is almsgiving, a practice of our Christian living at all times of the year. It is more than giving away what clothing we no longer need or giving a bit extra to Community Life. It is a greater awareness of the source of our gifts and blessings—the outward expression of this gratitude is giving to those in need.
Catholic Relief Services assists our brothers and sisters around the globe and locally, offering services to the poorest and most vulnerable. Their faith-in-action receives our support during Lent through the donations of our Rice Bowls. CRS Rice Bowl program invites us to be in solidarity with our communities and individuals who need our generosity to live better, healthier, more dignified lives.
Please take a Rice Bowl from the basket in the narthex to collect any amount you are able to give during Lent. This can be an opportunity to teach our children, and all in our household, about the meaning of almsgiving.