If you have a relative or neighbor who is experiencing an illness or disability that keeps him or her from participating in the Sunday liturgy, please let us know. St. Hubert has a large corps of Ministers of Care, each of whom is eager to be of service bringing the Body of Christ to those who are unable to be present for Eucharist.
In a parish as large as St. Hubert, we need your assistance in bringing to our attention those who are hospitalized or homebound. Due to privacy issues and court cases, many hospitals do not call a parish to alert the staff that a parishioner is in the hospital. The way that we get word is if the patient gives a release to a hospital chaplain or visiting Minister of Care or if a relative calls. When a hospitalized person returns home, she or he is often not immediately strong enough to return to church for Eucharist. Again, the parish Ministry of Care was developed to render this exact service to our sick and absent members.
Sometimes a person “doesn’t want to be a bother” or regards a request for a home Communion call as a sign of dire illness. Visiting the sick is no bother, but rather an opportunity for a fellow parishioner to give the service for which she or he has trained. Requesting a Communion visit is recognition of the value of the Lord’s care and His nourishing, healing presence. Any parish member who is homebound, whether for a few weeks or a longer period, is urged to act on that recognition and request a Ministry of Care call.
Please call Lynn Howard at
847-885-7703 to arrange for visits to yourself or your loved ones.