Each of us knows someone who has fallen away from practicing his or her Catholic faith. Many of us have people right in our own families—sons, daughters and grandchildren. Could they be at a point in their lives where they just need an invitation to return? Could they be looking for a “way in” without embarrassment of guilt? Perhaps, you know of someone who is a non-Catholic. They may have been baptized in another religion or never baptized at all. Do you think they may be interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and. Perhaps, becoming Catholic? Do they have children who might be ready to know Jesus better? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you should call St. Hubert to find out about Children’s Ministry of Initiation (CMI). We will be starting sessions in October. This process allows families with children to join other families who are seeking to become closer to God. St. Hubert ministers to the whole family as their children journey toward baptism, confirmation, Eucharist or full reception into the Catholic Church. We feel our program is exciting! We’ve had many wonderful families come before you and feel really good about taking the first step to just call and inquire. Pass this article on to those family members and friends described above. For more information, contact Marie Staffa at 847-885-7700, ext. 124 or mstaffa@sainthubert.org.