The Catechumenate for Children/Teens, which is an Adaptation of the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.), is the process by which unbaptized young people of the age of reason come into the Church. (Infant Baptism is only for those children under the age of reason.) Older children who are already baptized, but who are uncatechized, also can prepare to celebrate the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist together with their peers during the Easter Vigil or at a Rite of Full Communion.
The following is the criteria for attendance for CMI:
Does your child fall in one of these areas?
Unbaptized children over the age of 7 who wish to learn more about the Catholic Faith and possibly become Catholic.
Baptized Christian Children from other denominations who would like to learn more about the Catholic Faith, and possibly be received into, the Catholic Church.
Baptized Catholics who would like to prepare for Eucharist and Confirmation by renewing their understanding of their Catholic Faith.