What an exciting time for our parish the opportunity to look toward and prepare for our future! Last week at all Masses our Campaign Chairs gave us an update on the campaign which placed our amount raised to date at $1,530,513 pledged from 267 families and individuals. We have a large parish and have not yet heard from many. Fr. Mike and all who are working on the campaign are praying that the Holy Spirit guide you as you make your decision and response.
A Look at the Campaign Case Elements: Each week we will feature one specific area our campaign seeks to address. Last week we examined the first element being the School Building (installing a school building sprinkler system and new energy efficient lighting) with a cost of $1.5 million. Let’s look at the second of the four main areas of need:
Parish Ministry Center: Upgrade the Electrical System / Improve Reception Area Cost: $40,000 When the Parish Ministry Center was completed, it greatly enhanced our parish campus. It is the center of activity with daily activities year-round. The building is a gathering place and over time we realized a strong need to reconfigure the electrical system. This will allow us to better host large events which is currently hard to do. There is also a need to create a better functioning front desk area to welcome parishioners as they enter our building and to safely store our sacramental records.
Roger and Zee Malinski, Campaign Chairs and longtime members say: “Ever since the Ministry Center was completed the multipurpose and club rooms have been home to many fun and exciting events: The Taste of St Hubert, School dances, the annual Thank You dinner, the Celebration of Marriage, Veteran’s Day gatherings, pancake breakfasts, Boy Scout Eagle ceremonies and a multitude of sports activities. And let’s not forget it took over as our worship space during the church renovation. Through all this we’ve come across a few weak spots especially in our electrical systems. Fr. Mike wasn’t kidding when he mentioned how we pop circuit breakers often during these events. Picture this, you plug in several coffee pots for your evening activity then go to church for Mass. You come back after Mass to find the breaker tripped and your coffee won’t be ready for another hour. That’s just one of many electrical adventures we’ve dealt with.”
Have You Responded to Fr. Mike’s Request Yet? Fr. Mike invites all members of St. Hubert Parish to consider his gift request and make a pledge to the campaign. Please prayerfully consider his gift request and make your pledge in the coming week. If you need information or have not yet been contacted by a volunteer, please call the parish office at