The responsibility for the ministry of consolation rests with the believing community, which heeds the words and example of the Lord Jesus: “Blessed are they who mourn; they shall be consoled” (Matthew 5:3). Each Christian shares in this ministry according to the various gifts and offices in the Church.
Date: Saturday, April 29, 2017
Place: St. Marcelline Parish
822 South Springinsguth Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60193
Time: 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM
Presenter: Amy Florian
Prior registration is required – No walk-ins accepted and space limited seating.
Please bring paper and pen to take notes Amy Florian is a dynamic speaker, professor, author, and nationally recognized bereavement consultant, and grief coach helping people who are grieving a life-changing loss. She holds a Master’s Degree in Pastoral studies and a Fellow in Thanatology (The highest level of certification in the field of death and grief studies).
8:30—9:00 AM Check in ---Gathering with continental breakfast
9:00—12:00 PM The Catholic View of Death
Mid-morning break
Grief Process and Communication with Bereaved
12:00—12:30 PM Lunch (Bring your own brown bag lunch, beverages will be provided)
12:30—2:00 PM Planning the Funeral Rites, Leading prayers, and Structuring Bereavement Ministry
2:00—2:30 PM Additional Q & A, evaluations and closing prayer