We have been experiencing a number of spam email issues with an outside impersonator posing as Rev. Mike Scherschel using various @gmail.com addresses and asking for favors. Please be assured that we are completely certain that our internal systems are safe, protected, and not compromised. We apologize for any confusion.
With an increase in these phishing emails, we would like to share a few things to always look for.
Never click through a link or send information from a source you do not trust. Often times the link may contain malicious content or steer you to a website in an effort to compromise credentials. You should never enter a username or password if prompted after clicking a link.
Review the senders email address for proper spelling. You can hover over an email address to review the full address. At this point all addresses have ended in @gmail.com. Fr. Mike does not use a gmail address.
Display names may be changed to impersonate a valid user. For example, anyone can create a random Gmail account and give a name of Rev. Mike Scherschel, while the email account would be completely random. There is nothing in the display name that can be validated.
Ensure you have strong passwords for your email and computers.
Be cautious of emails requesting gift cards. This is a popular piece of spam where a sender pretends they are someone within the company. They request that you purchase gift cards and to send along the codes. These messages can be deleted.
If you receive an email that you suspect may be spam, please refrain from responding and make a report by forwarding any suspicious emails to office@sainthubert.org. Thank you for your understanding.