The Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated at our weekend liturgy on Sunday October 9
th at the 6:00 PM Mass. One of the Church’s most beautiful and consoling rituals, this sacrament keeps the Church’s promise: “We will not abandon you” in your sickness, suffering, weakness, or struggle.
Please join us! Whether you want to receive the sacrament yourself or pray with and for those who are receiving it, we invite your participation in these liturgies.
Those desiring to receive the sacrament are asked to follow these steps:
Sign in at a table in the Narthex of the church and receive a name badge. Wear it plainly visible, so the priest can call you by name.
Sit near the end of a row so that the priest can reach you easily. You need not stand during the whole anointing ritual; if you are able to, rise when the priest is about two people away from you. If not, have your companion stand.
If you are with a family member, friend, or caregiver, that person should sit with you and place a hand on your shoulder as a sign of support while you are being anointed.
One of St. Hubert’s Ministers of Care will also stand with you as a sign of community support.
It is a privilege to join you in prayer and to have you witness to us faithful and hope filled movement to Christ, even in the midst of suffering. For more information, please call Lynn Howard at
847-885-7703 or email her at