We are coming upon the Holiday Season again, and it is a time for us to stop and be thankful for all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. It is also a time to think of others and how we can share God’s blessings with them. One way we can do this is by donating food at our Annual Thanksgiving Food Drive to help families at both St. Aloysius and St. Hubert celebrate Thanksgiving.
Please bring items to the Narthex area in the church on Saturday, November 19
th and Sunday, November 20
th by Noon for the food baskets that will be given to families both here at St. Hubert and at St. Aloysius.
This year we will also accept root vegetables---onions, potatoes, carrots, and firm fruit---melons, apples, and oranges.
Jewel Gift Cards will also be accepted, as they can be given to families to buy food—especially turkeys for Thanksgiving. The suggested amount is $20 for turkeys.
We will also need drivers to help car pool to deliver the food to St. Aloysius on Sunday, November 20
th at 1:00 PM. Sign-Up Sheets will be in the Narthex.