Those living in rural areas are more familiar with nature and their surroundings than those living in cities and suburban places. Rural children can easily identify trees that produce good fruit and those which do not. Pollination and cross-pollination could be the cause of deformity in the tree of a particular species. Even if a bad tree produces abundantly, children avoid picking fruit from such a tree, but gravitate toward a tree that bears good fruit. Although the trees have different owners, the rural children know them by name and location, and may pick fruits without owner’s knowledge for their enjoyment. You are a tree planted in God’s vineyard. What kind of fruit do you produce? Does the fruit from your tree bring people closer to God? Will your fruit lead you and others to life eternal?
Unlike any other creature, man is endowed with reason and will. Hence, man can choose between good and evil to build his character and become a noble person. The author of the book of Ecclesiastes says, “The orchard where the tree grows is judged on the quality of its fruit, similarly a man’s words betray what he feels,” to describe a person who is never sure, since the person freely mixes truth and falsehood when they speaks. Such a person has the tongue of a viper, and it seems to inject poison whenever he or she speaks. Subsequently, the author of the book of Ecclesiastes says, “Do not praise a man before he has spoken, since this is the test of men.” But, people who are always sincere in their conversation leave us in no doubt about what they mean by what they say. The heart of such people is like a spring gushing out fresh water; people gladly listen to them; their words are the fruit of the love within them.
Jesus offers divine wisdom that only God can teach. This wisdom calls us to rise above ordinary hypocrisy and false pride and to speak like children of light and truth. To do this, we must be light and truth interiorly, so that whatever we say may be a light to those who listen, and an invitation to people to become better. Jesus invites his listeners to become messengers of truth and of love at all times, as He himself was. Only faith in Jesus enables a person to yield the fruits of sincerity and love in abundance. Those who refuse to accept Jesus’ teachings, which came from the Father, refuse the light, thus becoming voluntarily blind. Hence, Jesus says, “Can one blind man guide another? Surely both will fall into a pit.”
“A good man draws what is good from the store of goodness in his heart; a bad man draws what is bad from the store of badness. For a man’s words flow out of what fills his heart.” God presented us with the gift of speech that we may spread joy and love whenever we speak, just as He did. Jesus encouraged Peter to follow Him: Do not be afraid; from now on it is men you will catch. To the paralytic: My son, you sins are forgiven you. To the widow of Nain: Woman, do not cry. To Jairus’ daughter: Little girl, get up. To the thief on the cross: I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise. To the heart broken apostles after resurrection: Peace be with you. Those who truly embrace Jesus in faith and live as children of light and truth will hear Jesus say, “Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world.”