Urgent need!
A Catechist is needed to work with the parents/adults in CMI (Children’s Ministry of Initiation).
Parents and Children are coming back to the church and we are excited!
Many families have heard God’s call and want to reconnect to the life of the church and Children’s Ministry of Initiation (CMI) is here to help them. In CMI we grow, worship, learn, and reach out to each other in what is most important: the faith formation of our children and their families. We know that faith begins in the home, and the wonderful catechists who volunteer in our program are committed to helping children in the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ. We pray that you will help us by taking an active role in nurturing the gift of faith in the lives of these families by sharing your faith with the parents. Please contact Marie Staffa at
847-885-7700, ext. 124 or
mstaffa@sainthubert.org. We begin in October. You would meet with the parents after the 9:00 AM Mass. It is not every Sunday, so it allows for a little flexibility. This would be a great opportunity for two catechists to work together too!
“All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.”
—Isaiah 54:13