“ . . . put your gifts at the service of one another . . . “ —1 Peter 4:10
Commonly Asked Questions About Our Campaign
Q. I would like to make a pledge, but our budget is especially tight this year. How can I still participate?
A. The campaign pledge period is structured over a five-year period, and you can determine when you want to start payment of your pledge.
Q. We have been transferred to this area and will probably move in a few years. Why should we contribute to a campaign that will not directly benefit our family?
A. More than likely, you have been the beneficiaries of facilities or Catholic education in this parish as well as in others. When you move and join another parish, you will benefit from the generosity of others in your new parish.
Q. Will I need to maintain my weekly contribution?
A. Yes! Weekly offerings are used for the normal operating expenses of the parish. We depend on these contributions to maintain the parish and its programs.
Q. Can I make a gift other than cash?
A. Yes! A range of attractive possibilities exists, including appreciated stock, real estate, bequests, etc. Please contact your financial advisor or Teresa McCutchan in the parish office for further information.
Q. What if my financial situation changes and I am not able to fulfill my pledge?
A. Your pledge to support the campaign is made in good faith. Should financial difficulty arise, making it impossible for you to continue your payments, please notify the parish office.
Please Welcome Our Campaign Volunteers Volunteers are reaching out to all parishioners through phone calls and personal visits on behalf of Fr. Mike to answer questions about the campaign and ask for your support (a pledge.) Please be generous and help us address these extraordinary needs and provide necessary infrastructure projects and updating. Like our homes we must take care of our parish buildings as they are our spiritual home.