Each week we will feature one of the areas our campaign seeks to address. This week
we look at the third of the five main areas of need.
Church Lower Level: Install Sound System & Zone Lighting, Upgrade Kitchen Electric Panel Cost: $20,000 St. Hubert hosts a variety of community outreach programs, parish life events, and ministries in the lower level of our church. Next to the Parish Ministry Center, it is the most used space on the campus. A new electrical panel is needed for the kitchen, which will help us when hosting families for lunch after funerals, and we would like explore adding zone lighting to better accommodate parish social events. Prior to this campaign, we did not have a sound system, which made it difficult to hear when large groups are gathered—especially families gathering to remember loved ones and share memories at our funeral luncheons. Since the campaign began, a parishioner in the sound business generously installed a new system for us, so we have already completed that part of the project and just used it for the first time for a large funeral luncheon. The family was grateful, as are all of us, for this generous in-kind gift.
Jim and Lisa Elder (long time members and Campaign Chairs) say: “Saint Hubert is our spiritual home which means the lower level is our family gathering room. We use it to welcome new friends and continue enjoying it with our parish family. When we welcome new members every six weeks, we need to be aware of where we plug-in appliances. There are times when we go up for Mass and come back down and the coffee maker is not working, or the warming oven has been switched off because we have too many things plugged into one spot. There’s nothing like having a party at your house and things aren’t working. It is very embarrassing. When we do presentations you either have all the lights on or all the lights off. There is no dimming and no separate controls of lights in the lower level. The improvements will really help everyone out.”
Have You Responded to Fr. Mike’s Request Yet? Fr. Mike and our Campaign Leadership Team invite you to consider making a pledge to the campaign. Please prayerfully consider it and make your pledge in the coming week. If you need information ,or have not yet been contacted by a volunteer, please call the parish office at
I’ve Made My Pledge – Now What? Once your pledge information is entered in the confidential parish tracking database, you will receive a thank you letter from Fr. Mike.
With regard to making pledge payments, pledge payment reminders will be mailed to you beginning in October as you had requested on your pledge card. All donors will receive the first payment reminder mailing to insure information entered is correct and accurate. If you would prefer to make payments online through the parish Give Central format, you can do so. Information will be mailed to you in October. You can also contact the parish business office at
Of course, if you like, you can make a pledge payment anytime. Simply make your check out to “St. Hubert Campaign” and place in an envelope marked “Campaign” and drop in the collection basket or mail it directly to St. Hubert Parish.