GREAT NEWS! Thanks to the tremendous generosity of 324 families and individuals. As of September 19, our campaign has now reached $1,682,318 in pledges and gifts! Thank you! Your support is a real witness of what we can accomplish together!
A Look at the Campaign Case Elements: Each week are featuring one specific area our campaign seeks to address. Last week we examined the second element, improvements to the Parish Ministry Center. Let’s look at the fourth of the five main areas of need:
School Technology: Student Access to Digital Content and Computer Devices: Cost $20,000+ Founded in 1961, St. Hubert Catholic School has been noted for our strong educational program. The U.S. Department of Education has recognized us as a National Blue-Ribbon School of Excellence. As we work to transform and enhance the way students learn and communicate, and to keep our school vibrant, our goal is to provide access to digital content and tools via a 1:1 computer device program through a three-phase process. This will equip every student with what they need to learn and develop important skills to do their best in high school, college, and beyond.
“The implementation of 1:1 devices in our school will provide our students with learning opportunities well beyond our school's walls. This technology will add to the rigorous curriculum that St. Hubert School has always had by exposing our students to hands on learning opportunities and bringing the world into our classrooms." --Kelly Bourrell, Principal, St. Hubert School
Making a Pledge Fr. Mike and the 2020 Vision Leadership Committee invite all members of St. Hubert Parish to consider making a pledge to the campaign. Please prayerfully consider the gift and make your pledge in the coming week. Pledge cards are in the mail. If you need information or have not yet been contacted by a volunteer, please call the parish office at 847-885-7700.
I’ve Made My Pledge – Now What? Once you’ve made a pledge and submitted it to the parish office, the pledge information is entered in the confidential parish tracking database. Shortly afterward you will receive a thank you letter from Fr. Mike. Following this, pledge payment reminders will be mailed to you beginning late October confirming the pledge fulfillment option you requested on your pledge card.
All donors will receive the first payment reminder mailing to insure information entered is correct and accurate. If you would prefer to make payments online, we are using Give Central. Information on how to fulfill the pledge will be mailed to you in October. You can also contact the parish business office at
Of course, if you like, you can make a pledge payment anytime. Simply make your check out to “St. Hubert Campaign” and place it in an envelope marked “Campaign”. You can drop in the collection basket or mail it directly to St. Hubert Parish.
Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge, and for all of you who are prayerfully considering it. Through your generosity, we are able to continue to help bring faith, hope and charity into the lives of those who believe.