Building up the Body of Christ with welcoming arms, loving hearts and joyful worship.
This consultative ministry assists the pastor with the financial matters of St. Hubert Parish by developing and overseeing the budget and the operational and capital needs of the parish.
John Lackinger, Chairperson
Paul Caponigri
Mary Ann Flynn
William Kelley
John Stevens
Ken Szott
Joanmarie Wermes
Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month except for July.
Membership on the council is at the invitation of the pastor. The goal is to have nine to eleven members representing the various ministries of the parish with professional skill sets such as finance, legal, fundraising, banking, engineering, management, purchasing, maintenance/construction, or communications. The ideal term should be three years but may be extended or shortened.
The Parish Finance Council has adopted the Finance Council Guidelines which are found on the Archdiocese of Chicago website here:
To learn more about the Finance Council, please contact the Ministry Coordinator at