Location:PMC Club Room, Hallway & Kitchen (Parish Ministry Center Lower Level)
This meeting will be a hybrid. We'd like to see you in person, where we have complimentary masks, socially-distanced seating, touchless registration (via QR code), and hand sanitizer, but you can also join our Zoom meeting at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-hybrid-event-professional-critique-advance-your-job-search-tickets-711637726597?aff=oddtdtcreator. How can you utilize library resources to enhance your skill set? How do library resources enhance your chances of finding a job? Learn how using free library resources can help you invest in your next career transition. Business Librarian, Patricia Smolin, will provide information about free resources the public library has to offer, and provide strategies on how to use these free resources to produce solid results in your job search.